Within the framework of this new project we intend to start a two-year exchange between artists, poets and authors from various European countries about their experiences of the change from dictatorship to democracy, in particular after the opening of former communist countries since the end of the 1980s. In a number of meetings (held in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Italy) invited poets, writers and artists presented their work and exchanged their experiences from the dictatorial/authoritarian period and show how the political changes have influenced their artistic activities. The result is an exhibition which started in Birmingham (UK) in October 2008 and now tours the participating countries. The cultural transfer resulting from this project is meant to allow the banishment of prejudices and a better understanding between Central Eastern, South Eastern and Western Europe. Ultimately it is part of the construction of a common European culture.
Overcoming Dictatorships is funded under the framework of EU Culture 2000. See the list of partners. Disclaimer This site is meant to provide a forum for discussion and presentation of activities of the participants of the project. This site may contain links to third-party web sites. We have no influence whatsoever on the content presented on these web sites, and as a project of Dresden Technical University accept no guarantee for its correctness and validity. The content of such third-party web sites is exclusively the responsibility of the respective hosts. Project management at Dresden Technical University reserves the right to remove all content or links to other web sites of dubious political, legal or economic quality, or which may contradict project interests.